The first day after the Easter holidays Class 3A embarked on an exciting excursion to Rosenheim. The destination of the trip was the Lokschuppen, a popular museum that is hosting a special exhibition on volcanoes.

Upon arrival, the students were split into two groups, one for the English 🇬🇧 tour and the other for the German 🇩🇪 tour. The knowledgeable guides took the students through the various exhibits, explaining the formation and eruption of volcanoes, and the impact they have on our planet.

After the guided tour, the students participated in an engaging workshop 🎨, where each child had the opportunity to create and erupt their own miniature volcano. The workshop was a great way to bring the lessons learned from the exhibit to life, and it was amazing to see the children’s excitement as they watched their volcanoes erupt.

Additionally, after the workshop, the students had the opportunity to present their prepared reports in the Lokschuppen. The presentations were recorded 📹, and the class will later edit the footage in their computer science class.

The presentations were an excellent opportunity for the students to apply their newly acquired knowledge and hone their public speaking skills. The students showed great enthusiasm and creativity in their presentations, and it was evident that they had learned a lot from the excursion.

The excursion to Rosenheim provided an all-round learning experience for the students of Class 3A. The museum visit, workshop, and presentations all contributed to the students‘ knowledge and understanding of volcanoes. The excursion also fostered teamwork and collaboration among the students and provided a memorable experience that will stay with them for a long time.


Daniel Aniser

Neben seinen inspirierenden Ausflügen teilt Daniel auf auch seine Begeisterung für technologische Neuerungen im Bildungsbereich. Seine Berichte über innovative Techniken und Tools zeigen, wie er modernste Technologie nutzt, um das Lernumfeld seiner Schüler kontinuierlich zu bereichern und zu erweitern.

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