Recently, in our English class, students were given the task of giving presentations on animals. In the attached photo, you can see Markus, Lisa, and Sarah presenting on the „Hyacinth Macaw“. Other presentation topics included the polar bear, the inland taipan (Australia’s most dangerous snake), the leopard, and many more.


Before their presentations, students had the opportunity to practice with our native speaker Gabrielle Amestoy. Gabrielle Amestoy, along with the class teacher, offers bilingual instruction in our school.

Bilingual education provides numerous benefits for students. For example, it helps them to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures, improves their cognitive skills, and enables them to better communicate with a wider range of people. Additionally, bilingual education can enhance academic performance and help prepare students for the globalized world in which we live.

As we move further into the 21st century, bilingual education is becoming increasingly important. The ability to speak multiple languages is a highly valued skill in many fields, including business, diplomacy, and academia. By offering bilingual instruction, our school is helping to ensure that our students have the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the future.

In conclusion, we are thrilled to see our students engaging in animal presentations and benefiting from bilingual instruction. We believe that our commitment to bilingual education will serve our students well in their future endeavors.


Daniel Aniser

Neben seinen inspirierenden Ausflügen teilt Daniel auf auch seine Begeisterung für technologische Neuerungen im Bildungsbereich. Seine Berichte über innovative Techniken und Tools zeigen, wie er modernste Technologie nutzt, um das Lernumfeld seiner Schüler kontinuierlich zu bereichern und zu erweitern.

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