Auch in Englisch wird gehoppelt: The Tale of Peter Rabbit

On 18 March 2021, the Austrian day of reading out loud (Österreichischer Vorlesetag) took place. It was celebrated by many different people of all ages across Austria. Authors, artists, politicians, parents, teachers, and children – just to mention some – came together pursuing the same goal: leaving their everyday lives behind and entering another world, one which is full of adventures, beautiful sounds, and sometimes speaking rabbits, even if only for a short time. But how’s that possible, you wonder? It’s actually fairly simple. All you need is a book, a nice enough person who reads to you, and a pinch of imagination.

At school, reading and listening are not only relevant teaching and learning objectives of the language subjects German and English, but of all subjects combined. Learning a foreign language builds on reading and listening competence, among others. And learning with stories, well…we think that’s fun! Therefore, we decided to honour this special day by reading a famous English story to our first-grade students, which we adapted to their language needs beforehand: Beatrix Potter’s Tale of Peter Rabbit.

Have a look at the beautiful portrait of Peter Rabbit created by our talented student artist Mia.

We wish you happy and relaxing Easter holidays!

von Mia Abart

Categories: 4BSchuljahr 2020/21

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