Our 1AB class, with 22 enthusiastic students, is learning all about the exciting world of Biology in our bilingual learning program. Since the start of the school year, we have been learning about the animal kingdom using the Oxford Read and Discover series.

Currently we are reading the book 🦓 „Young Animals“, which has made our students curious about different animals and their life cycles.

To support our textbook lessons, we use Chromebooks to do interactive exercises on the Oxford Reading Club website. These online activities offer extra practice and secure what we learn.


The materials from Oxford Read and Discover are ideal for bilingual instructions. By combining the expertise of two teachers, including a native English speaker, we create a rich and supportive learning environment where English is the primary language in class. As a result, we need fewer German explanations.

Next week, our students will be putting their knowledge to the test by taking their second Biology exam on „Mammals“ and „Young Animals“. We are confident that their hard work and enthusiasm will lead to great results.



Daniel Aniser

Neben seinen inspirierenden Ausflügen teilt Daniel auf myMS.at auch seine Begeisterung für technologische Neuerungen im Bildungsbereich. Seine Berichte über innovative Techniken und Tools zeigen, wie er modernste Technologie nutzt, um das Lernumfeld seiner Schüler kontinuierlich zu bereichern und zu erweitern.

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