Our bilingual biology class recently wrapped up the chapter on „Parents & Offspring“ with a fun and engaging Bingo game.

Leo Rohm ist immer mit Freude dabei.
The students had learned 42 key terms throughout the unit, which were all included in the Bingo game. You can find a list of these terms on Quizlet:
During the game, teacher Gabrielle Amestoy described various animals or their offspring. Students who had been paying close attention in class had no trouble identifying the correct terms. Each time a student found a match on their Bingo card, they covered the corresponding square with a marker.
This interactive activity provided a fun and memorable way for students to review the key concepts from the chapter.
This activity was inspired by our recent exploration of the fascinating world of animal reproduction in the book „Young Animals“ from the Oxford Read and Discover series. To learn more about our bilingual biology program and how we use this series, check out our previous article: